Mahkota Dewa Natural Medicine
The crown is the god of the stem shrubs, leaves, and fruit is very powerful to conquer the disease because they contain high antioxidant, but the seeds are poisonous.
These plants are medicinal plants which are popular because of the leaves and fruit are considered able to cure various diseases. For example high blood pressure disease, diabetes, liver, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, gout, rheumatism, kidney problems, allergies, various skin diseases, overcoming drug addiction, insomnia, lung, liver cirrhosis, increased stamina and endurance against influenza.
In the leaves and fruit skin of the gods crown compounds contained saponins and flavonoids, which each have the effect of allergy medication and antihistamine.untuk each process becomes very easy. Just brewed "tea" made from the skin and flesh fruit, fruit shells, or leaves, this natural medicine material ready for use. If you do not want to taste the bitterness, we can be a bit annoyed the instant potions. It covered more enjoyable without reducing benefits.
During this crown of leaves and fruit of the gods used the Indonesian community, especially in Java, as the drug of skin diseases, itching, and eczema. The disease is characterized by symptoms of itching, signs of allergy to a particular agent that encourages the body's cells out histamine.
From studies in vitro using guinea pig small intestine, is known, it is true crown of leaves and fruit of the gods have the effect of antihistamines. This means that these plants can be scientifically justified its use as a drug itching from insect bites or caterpillars, eczema, and other diseases due to allergies.
How to utilization?
Fruit crown god is the most widely used as natural medicines, in addition to leaves and stems. Of three parts, namely the skin and flesh of fruit, peanut shells, and seeds, which are usually used skin and flesh and skin. In a fresh, skin and flesh from the crown of the young god was bitter. While parents felt a little sweet. If fresh food will cause swelling in the mouth, thrush, drunk, and even poisoning. What causes it, is not known with certainty. Therefore, not recommended for fresh eating.
Shell has a bitter flavor, more bitter than the skin and meat. This section is also not recommended for direct consumption because it can lead to drunkenness, dizziness, even fainting. However, when processed, this section is more efficacious than the skin and flesh of fruit. This section can treat severe diseases such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, lung disease, and cirrhosis of the reasons why liver. There is no god crown seeds consumed. "The seed is poisonous. If chewed, we can throw up and tongue numb,". Therefore, this section is only used to treat skin diseases. Have to make pulp or skin as a drug, prior to processing. Can be used as dried fruit, tea racik, or instant potions. However, often done by making herbal tea and instant.
Another part that could be used drug is stems and leaves. Trunk crown empirically god can treat bone cancer. While the leaves can cure impotence, dysentery, allergies, and tumors. How to use is to boil the leaves and drank water. Do surprised. Once the crown of the god to drink potions, we immediately felt the sleepiness attacks. This effect is normal. Another effect is drunk. To eliminate this effect it is recommended to drink more water. For further consumption, the dose should be reduced crown god. If it still drunk, you should temporarily stop first. In the process of the disease or cure serious diseases like cervical cancer, after patients taking the crown of the god himself brewed could feel the heat and cold, sometimes even a blood clot issue stinks. "This is a cleansing process of disease," Their use can be in the form of a single herb can also mix potions. "Mixing with other herbs is intended to strengthen Its efficacy and neutralize toxins. Also to reduce the unpleasant taste, "Attempts to use herbs crown healing god, can not quickly produce results. The treatment needs to be done several times. Even for severe chronic diseases take a long time. Noteworthy is the dose should not exceed its use is recommended. If the proportion of excess, unwanted effects can appears. Must remember, young pregnant women are prohibited from taking the crown of the gods. Crown has also proven capable of play like a god oxytosin or sintosinon that can spur uterine muscle work that facilitate the birth process. This could endanger the pregnancy is still Cancer In Taming young. Recipes for adults, to treat cancer (breast or uterus) is not too serious or just prevention, just use a tablespoon of instant potion brewed with a glass of water. Drink twice a day, morning and afternoon day. If serious illness, need herb tea mixture gods and racik of crown instant white turmeric. Way, we boil a teaspoon of tea cocktail gods crown in three cups of water until the water is staying half. Then, add a teaspoon of instant white turmeric. This potion one day. to taken three times a very serious disease this dose was made twice, or until a spoonful of tea god cocktail crown. This treatment takes 3 - 6 months. After the patient was cured herb consumed by the dose remained reduced. To control diabetes prevent or treat diabetes that is not too serious need 3 to 5 pcs tea god cocktail crown in three cups boiling water with three bay leaves. Boiling water until done live half. This potion taken three days to once a week. As for treating severe diabetes we boil the same way: a teaspoon of the crown racik gods and three bay leaves. Potion drunk three times a day.
Where Crown god?
Crown of the god known as china or leaves beluntas gods in Sumatra, or kio tiles in Java., Benefits and treatment plants are well known in dozens of countries tahunlalu particularly China, are there people call him by name shian tao. In the form of medicine gajin, god corolla efficacious as anti-inflammatory drugs, fever, pain relievers, cleaning the blood and prevent clots can darah.Selain in China, in Indonesia at this plant originally found in Papua. But local people do not regard it as nutritious crops for fear that poisonous plant allowed to grow as many wild plants is equivalent to other weeds.
That crown the god (Phaleria macrocarpa). Plants that reportedly came from the mainland of Papua is in Central Java and Yogyakarta nicknamed makuto dewo, makuto rojo, or makuto queen. People call it the king of Banten drug, because Khasiatnya can cure various diseases. Meanwhile, people from ethnic Chinese called pau, which means the drug heirlooms.
What is contained in the Crown of Gods?
From the research data showed that the crown of leaves and bark contain alkaloids god, saponin, flanoida, essential oils, and tannins. DR Regina Sumastuti, pharmacologist from the Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University found the chemical content of substances such as antihistamines that can prevent allergies. In addition to these plants is as axytosin and sintosinon the uterine muscle stimulant that facilitate the process of giving birth for the Crown of Gods persalinan.Buah contains active substances such as: • serve as a detoxifying alkaloids that can neutralize toxins in the body. • Saponino a source anti-bacterial and anti-viruso boost the immune system to reduce tubuho increase vitalitaso sugar levels to reduce blood clotting daraho • Flavanoido circulation throughout the body and prevent blockages in the vessels daraho reduce cholesterol and reduce the content of fat in penumbunan vessel wall reduced the level of risk daraho koronero heart disease contain an anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory) o serve as an anti-oksidano help reduce the pain if there is bleeding or swelling • Polyphenols act as anti-histamine (anti-allergy)
How to plant a Crown god?
Mahkota Dewa tree cultivated as ornamental plants / plant shade. Small tree with a height reaching 1.5 to 3 meters, the shrubs, have an interesting fruit because of the color red, pressed from the main trunk to the branches that try rantingnya.Tak little garden planted in the house. In fact, there are business opportunities to cultivate and process into products of traditional medicine or herbs with various bentuk.Masa production from 10 to 20 years. Fruit round crown god, with a size range of ping-pong ball until the apples. Plant part used as medicine ingredients are leaves and fruit. Plants used to crown the god grows in height from 10 to 1200 m asl (above sea level) with the optimal location from 10 to 1000 m dpl.Perbanyakan plants using seeds from the ripe fruit. How to seed seeding can be done using a planting medium roasted husks mixed with manure (compost). During the process of watering nursery routinely performed in the morning and afternoon hari.Sekitar 10 to 14 days after seeding, the leaves started to show growth. Seedlings transferred to the planting medium at the age of 2 months or where the plant has reached a height of 10 to 15 cm.
Media planting can use pots or planted in garden soil. Pot diameter 30 cm and 40 cm high, can be made of soil, plastic, wood or tin. Media planted in pots should be a mixture of soil, compost, sand / chaff in the ratio 1: 1: 1.Tanaman takes a lot of water during the first flowering hidupnya.Tanaman the fruit at the age of 10-12 months. Fruit will mature and ready for harvesting within 2 months. Ripe fruit will be colored in merah.Meski planting in pots or directly in the ground, its growth would be better if planted in the ground. Derived from cuttings, should bear more cepat.Kecuali with graft or through the seed, the crown of the god also can be propagated by grafting techniques.
Article Source:
Mahkota Dewa Natural Medicine
Saturday, February 6, 2010Posted by rudi at 11:08 PM
Silencer black tea diabetes, heart disease & cancer
Friday, February 5, 2010Silencer black tea diabetes, heart disease & cancer
Coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood and liver cancer is still the number one killer disease in Indonesia. Later, the disease is not only attacking the elderly due to degenerative factors but the productive age of 25-45 years.
One of the causes of the emergence of these diseases is the accumulation of free radicals or oxidants. Free radicals can destroy the integrity of network systems and DNA in our bodies. This condition menstimulus accelerated aging process, causing the destruction of the liver and other top diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
After the industrial progress, and the increase the chances of disease, people turned to preventive medicine, a drink from natural materials. One of them is to consume beverages that contain natural substances that can reduce free radicals such as black tea or black tea.
Efficacy of black tea was revealed Professor of Food and Nutrition, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ali MS and Expert Khomsan heart specialist dr. Mohammad Taufik SPJ.
"It is true that black tea or black tea has benefits such as lowering the risk of cancer, prevents coronary heart disease, preventing aging and also may lower blood cholesterol levels," explains Prof. Dr. Ali Khomsan MS.
He explained, from various references known that black tea has been consumed by people, quite a lot of compounds that contain both components of the body. The main antioxidants and theaflavins are high enough. Compounds that have the effect may reduce the risk of diseases such as preventing cancer and coronary heart disease.
"Black tea or black tea is made from fresh tea leaf is allowed to wither before it rolled, then heated and dried. Black tea is fermented tea, too, "he said.
Similar expressed dr H. Mohammad Taufik Sp.J. He justifies black tea beneficial for reducing coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke.
Unfortunately, according to Taufik, the benefits contained in black tea have many known by the public. This is because of the lack of socialization as well as publication of various studies about the benefits of black tea for health.
Some time ago, the National Heart Center Heart Hospital Harapan Kita Jakarta (RSJHK) also presented research results in a talk show with the theme "Black Tea Effect in Preventing and Overcoming Coronary Heart Disease Risk" held in the Hall RSJHK Jakarta.
According to the results of these studies, catechins as a substance called to fight degenerative diseases of the compounds was theaflavins. These compounds are antioxidants, anticancer, antimutagenik, anti antidiabetes and other diseases. Compounds in black tea theaflavins in significant numbers.
Simply stated as antioxidant compounds that can inhibit or prevent the oxidation. Based on the source, anti-oxidants can be divided into natural and synthetic antioxidants. Theaflavins is a natural antioxidant potential.
Theaflavins ability as a catcher of free radicals is another undeniable validity. Activities as antioxidants in inhibiting oxidation of LDL (Low Density Lippoprotein) it shows a wonderful thing.
In seduhan black tea, theaflavins give a yellowish red color, while Thearubigin and Theanapthoquinone each gave a red color dark brown and yellow. To this taste, together with caffeine, theaflavins are present in black tea gives a fresh taste.
Research in the Netherlands concluded that drinking black tea or black tea may prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, especially in women. Black tea one to two cups can suppress the accumulation of cholesterol up to 46%, and if you drink four cups can reach 69%.
This is supported by the results of research in the United States that showed a heart attack decreases 40% in people who used to drink black tea.
Black tea also showed a convincing ability as a natural food source for people with diabetes, especially in its capacity increase insulin activity. Research carried out the United States Department of Agriculture has been published in the Journal of Agric Food Chem 2002, shows the ability of black tea increased insulin activity more than green tea and Oolong tea.
According to Mohammad Taufik, usually, health experts will publish, after some time doing research. When the results of research show the same results, a new study published. But when the new one study, the results will not be published.
Based on the processing process, tea is classified into three types of black tea (fermented or oksimatis, short for oxidation ensimatis), Oolong tea and green tea. Logical consequence of differences in these processes, giving birth to different tea products both physically and chemically.
In chemistry, the most notable difference is the difference in the composition of compounds Polyfenol content. In the processing of black tea and Oolong tea, most catechins into theaflavins, Thearubigin, and Theanaphtoquinone. Although not as popular as their ancestors (catechins), theaflavins have been studied by several researchers.
Posted by rudi at 9:08 PM
Labels: Drugs for Cancer, Herbal cure cancer
Choosing Tea Rosela and its Benefits
Rosela drink in the first package that must be considered is when the red color fading, should not be consumed, it disappears Benefits as a faded red color. Beverage rosela made from dried petals rosella, the amount of active compounds in the form rosela phenolic compounds that can function as an antioxidant compounds reached 23.10 mg / g dry weight. Measured antioxidant activity of compounds 5308.64 mM trolox achieve trolox / g dry weight. The amount was 4 times higher than cat whiskers powdered antioxidant activity was 1364.88 mM trolox / g dry. 'content of antioxidants such as gossipetin rosela, antosianin, and glucoside hibiscin provide protection against various degenerative diseases such as coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus, and cataracts.
Oseille rouge-efficacy in French rosela-inhibits the growth of cancer cells has been demonstrated by the De-Xing Hou in Japan. Researchers Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University, was found 3-sambubioside delphinidin and cyanidin 3-sambubioside, a powerful antosianin rosela blood cancer leukeimia alias. How it works by inhibiting the loss of mitochondrial membrane and release of cytochrome from mitochondria to the cytosol.
Rosela antioxidants reduce free radical action that attacks the body of molecules that contain electrons. If the molecule contains electrons as affected DNA guanine, DNA replication errors easily occur. DNA damage triggers the oxidation of LDL, cholesterol, and lipids that lead to malignant diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease.
Chau-Jong Wang, from the College of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan rosela find other properties. His research rosela dried extract made syrup, protect the liver-induced rats after carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), damaging the liver. After the 1-5% rosela given for 9 weeks, such as liver damage and steasis fi brosis fallen significantly.
Health drink
To make tea seduhan-rosela vinagreira in Portuguese-easy. Flowers that have been picked, dried in the sun for 1-2 days in order to facilitate the separation of the seeds petal tongue. Then wash clean water and dry in the sun again for 3-5 days. Squeeze the lids, if one can be a powder that is water level has reached 4-5%. 2-3 g of tea brewed with boiling water rosela until late and the water turned red. For diet, the patient coughs, or diabetes, use low-calorie sugar such as corn sugar. On their countries, Africa, rosela made jam or jelly. Was obtained from the fiber contained in the petals rosela. In Jamaica, made a fruit salad eaten raw. There are times when eaten with mashed or boiled peanuts as a filler after the cake is cooked with sugar. Often bisap-term rosela in Senegal, as a traditional beverage served at Christmas. Way, petals mixed rosela ginger slices and sugar and then placed in earthenware pot. After it is boiled and set aside overnight. Presented by adding ice and rum, 'Juice' that taste, aroma, and color like wine.
While in Egypt, West Africa, rosela cold drink in summer and hot drink in winter. In Sudan, East Africa, karkadeh-term rosela in Sudan, a daily drink with a mixture of salt, pepper, and sugar cane drop. Drinks were also eliminates the effects of drunkenness and prevent coughing.
Mexican residents believe rosela efficacious lowering body weight. Research conducted Francisco J Alarcon-Aguilar from the Universidad auta ³ noma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, Mexico. A total of 120 mg extract rosela containing 33.64 mg of total antosianin given for 60 days to rats weighing 45 grams fat; normal 20 grams.
The result, consumption rosela shown to decrease body weight in rats weigh more and increase the intake of ions into the body fluids. Another decline seen in triglycerides and bad cholesterol.
Research hibiscus relative effects of obesity were also carried out by SA-Ayerdi ¡SG Yago from the Department of Nutrition, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. According Sayago chino-term quimbombo rosela in Spain, 33.9% contain soluble fiber that helps shed fat.
Rosela efficacy was varied. However, be careful because not everyone can consume them. 'Acid reached 3.14, to ulcer sufferers and the possibility of adverse effect rosela tea should not be too much, will cause a decrease in blood platelets.
with effects like dizziness and head of the body becomes weak with nausea and vomiting.
Posted by rudi at 8:23 PM
Labels: Herbal cure cancer
Food For Health Benefits
Food For Health Benefits
Some foods help the body's defense system strong and beneficial to prevent the disease.
Artike by Rudi
Eating all kinds of vitamins, essential to establish a healthy body. And it would be difficult if you do not know the specifics of each makanan.Dengan nutritional foods with vitamins and minerals vary is an efficient way to maintain health optimization. Some of these foods helps the body's defense system and strong and prevent acute and chronic diseases
Sweet Potatoes
Food was recorded as the most nutritious vegetable, contains antioxidants, beta carotene, iron, vitamin B6, and dietary fiber. Nutrients contained in sweet potatoes can prevent cancer and other diseases, such as the heart.
Contains lutein, zeaxanthin, and karotenoit, spinach help prevent damage from aging. Other nutrients, like calcium for bones and vitamin K for blood clotting speed.
These vegetables contain indole-3, and sulforaphane. These two nutrients seranga fortifies the body of breast cancer. A bowl of broccoli twice a day are advised to add vitamin C.
This fruit is rich in antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, and E, as well as flavonoids. Consuming blueberries can delay aging.
Sulfur containing compounds that help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and prevent some cancers such as colon cancer and stomach cancer, because antibakterialnya function. Garlic also contains important nutrients like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and vitamin C.
This fruit is vitamin C. jawaranya A medium tomato contains 23 milligrams of vitamin C. Tomatoes are also rich in lycopene is needed for prostate health.
Some kind of beans contains 8 grams of fiber for heart health and contains 90 percent of recommended daily food containing folic acid, only in one bowl. Lentils are also rich sources of protein and iron.
Raisins or dried grapes are rich in iron, which helps the blood carrying oxygen. Also contains other important nutrients like potassium, selenium, vitamin A, and rich in fiber. Raisins are also known to counteract the anemia and high blood takanan.
This type of fish and other sea species such as tuna and mackerel contain omega-3, which supports the heart and brain health. Omega-3 compounds help prevent heart disease and certain Alzhemer bleak.
Milk Scheme
Contains vitamin B2, or riboflavin, and vitamin A for good eye health. Skim milk is also rich in calcium and vitamin D for bones and teeth strong.
Posted by rudi at 8:22 PM
Labels: Drugs for Cancer, Herbal cure cancer
Proteins Prevent Cancer
Proteins Prevent Cancer
Health experts expect the existence of a drug that not only works to kill cancer cells, but also encourages the body to produce replacement cells are healthy. And these experts discovered how proteins "like a snail" play an important role in the repair of DNA damage, which leads to cancer.
The family of these proteins, Small ubiquitin-like Modifier (Sumo), able to escape when in the body where the damage occurred and such DNA reveal mechanism of the body to fight the growth of cancer cells.
In particular, the findings were a first step toward developing drugs that may protect normal cells from the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, at the same time, improving the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment developed at this time.
This discovery is still in the research process, and hope for cancer patients that these findings could be useful for us.
Posted by rudi at 8:20 PM
Labels: Drugs for Cancer, Herbal cure cancer
Handphone Users Can Kill.
Handphone Users Can Kill.
Mobile now has become the primary a need, not only for urban communities, but also rural communities. Where are we going to see people carrying mobile phones, starting ketch children until their parents. The phone did provide many benefits to its users, but the phone has side effects.
A recent study found more and more evidence to suggest that the effect of mobile phone use may be more dangerous than smoking or asbestos. And people as possible should avoid using mobile phones whenever possible.
Mobile phone use for 10 years will lead to risk two-fold greater brain cancer. The results of this research have been published online in the scientific community to be studied further.
We have long heard that the radiation caused by mobile phones have a bad impact on health. Based on the American Journal of epidemiology or the American Journal of Epidemology mention that people who spoke with the phone more than 22 hours per month at risk for salivary gland. Then the Karolinska Institute of Sweden concluded that mobile phone use for 10 years or more increases the risk of acoustic neuroma or soft tumor on the auditory nerve. There is even research that states that mobile phone use also affect male fertility, she can reduce the productivity of sperm.
Sophisticated technology is behind many advantages for its users. However, the resulting negative effects should also keep us aware of. As the radiation from mobile phones we use in daily life. Do not let the use of excessive mobile phone just to make us lose the most valuable asset of our body, namely health.
Of the risks that can be generated from mobile phone usage as it has in the mentioned above, does not mean we should not use the phone at all or be afraid to use the phone. All we can do now is how to reduce the risk of danger for phone usage, while waiting for a new technology from the phone itself is more friendly to human health.
Here are some tips you can consider to reduce the risk of harm from mobile phone use
1. Use the handsfree to use the phone in a long time
2. Do not stick your phone in one ear only, move them alternately every 1-2 minutes
3. Do not attach the phone to his ear before the call is connected
4. Minimize the use of mobile phones in a closed tenpat contain metal, such as a car or elevator
5. Do not hang the phone on the neck, because it can interfere with cardiac function
6. Do not call her back and forth
7. Minimize the use of the phone when the signal is weak or only 1 bar
8. Buy a phone with a SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) of low
Tips from our so hopefully useful.
Posted by rudi at 8:19 PM
Labels: Drugs for Cancer, Handphone, Herbal cure cancer
How to Easily Prevent Cancer
How to Easily Prevent Cancer
To achieve a healthy life free of cancer is useful to use the following steps:
1. Do not use tobacco.
All types of tobacco takes you on the path to cancer. Rejecting tobacco is the best way to avoid it. So either chewing tobacco or smoking, make sure you do not do it again. Smoking is usually associated with bladder cancer, cervix, esophangus, kidney, mouth, pancreas, larynx, and voice channels. Even if you're not a smoker, make sure you do not become passive smokers. Avoid being in the midst of smokers.
2. Eat healthy foods
Even choosing healthy foods can not guarantee you will not get cancer, but it helps you reduce the risk.
American Cancer Society recommends that you order:
Eat vegetables and fruits five or more servings each day. Also eat whole grains, and beans beberpa times a day.
Limit fat. Avoid high fat foods, in addition to avoiding cancer, it also prevent you from obesity.
Avoid alcohol. Consumption of alcohol triggers throat cancer, esophagus, kidney, liver and breast cancer.
3. Stay active and maintain a healthy weight.
Keep your weight and exercising regularly are important in cancer prevention. A safe exercise program is available almost to everyone. Your doctor and physical therapist can help you design the right exercise.
4. Protect your skin from the sun
Skin cancer is the main reason to avoid the sun, although the X-ray exposure or contact with certain chemicals can also cause cancer.
Most of the exposed skin, including face, hands, arms, and ears. Nearly all skin cancer can be cured, it is very important for you to do early detection. But for prevention, you can do the following:
Avoid out at the time of peak radiation occurs, this began to happen at 10 am - 4 pm.
Stay cool place if you are outside the room.
Cover your skin when under direct sunlight. Wear light-colored clothing, and make sure your arms and your legs closed.
Do not save sunscreen. Use sunscreen with SPF of at least 15.
Do not use equipment or pencoklat skin whitening skin, it did not happen naturally, not healthy.
5. Conduct immunization.
Certain cancers associated with viral infections and can be prevented by immunization. Some of the immunizations you need to get a Hepatitis B, Human papilloma virus (HPV) to prevent the virus that is transmitted through sexual contact and causes cervical cancer.
6. Avoid risky behaviors.
Do not do sexual relations at high risk. Besides cancer can also be spread by using contaminated needles virus.
7. Consult your regular
Routine examination can detect the presence of cancer in early yourself so that it can increase the chance for treatment. Inspection should include, skin, mouth, colon and rectum. If men, including the prostate, and when women, including cervical and breast screening.
Posted by rudi at 8:17 PM
Labels: Drugs for Cancer, Herbal cure cancer