How to Easily Prevent Cancer
To achieve a healthy life free of cancer is useful to use the following steps:
1. Do not use tobacco.
All types of tobacco takes you on the path to cancer. Rejecting tobacco is the best way to avoid it. So either chewing tobacco or smoking, make sure you do not do it again. Smoking is usually associated with bladder cancer, cervix, esophangus, kidney, mouth, pancreas, larynx, and voice channels. Even if you're not a smoker, make sure you do not become passive smokers. Avoid being in the midst of smokers.
2. Eat healthy foods
Even choosing healthy foods can not guarantee you will not get cancer, but it helps you reduce the risk.
American Cancer Society recommends that you order:
Eat vegetables and fruits five or more servings each day. Also eat whole grains, and beans beberpa times a day.
Limit fat. Avoid high fat foods, in addition to avoiding cancer, it also prevent you from obesity.
Avoid alcohol. Consumption of alcohol triggers throat cancer, esophagus, kidney, liver and breast cancer.
3. Stay active and maintain a healthy weight.
Keep your weight and exercising regularly are important in cancer prevention. A safe exercise program is available almost to everyone. Your doctor and physical therapist can help you design the right exercise.
4. Protect your skin from the sun
Skin cancer is the main reason to avoid the sun, although the X-ray exposure or contact with certain chemicals can also cause cancer.
Most of the exposed skin, including face, hands, arms, and ears. Nearly all skin cancer can be cured, it is very important for you to do early detection. But for prevention, you can do the following:
Avoid out at the time of peak radiation occurs, this began to happen at 10 am - 4 pm.
Stay cool place if you are outside the room.
Cover your skin when under direct sunlight. Wear light-colored clothing, and make sure your arms and your legs closed.
Do not save sunscreen. Use sunscreen with SPF of at least 15.
Do not use equipment or pencoklat skin whitening skin, it did not happen naturally, not healthy.
5. Conduct immunization.
Certain cancers associated with viral infections and can be prevented by immunization. Some of the immunizations you need to get a Hepatitis B, Human papilloma virus (HPV) to prevent the virus that is transmitted through sexual contact and causes cervical cancer.
6. Avoid risky behaviors.
Do not do sexual relations at high risk. Besides cancer can also be spread by using contaminated needles virus.
7. Consult your regular
Routine examination can detect the presence of cancer in early yourself so that it can increase the chance for treatment. Inspection should include, skin, mouth, colon and rectum. If men, including the prostate, and when women, including cervical and breast screening.
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How to Easily Prevent Cancer
Friday, February 5, 2010Posted by rudi at 8:17 PM
Labels: Drugs for Cancer, Herbal cure cancer