Food For Health Benefits

Friday, February 5, 2010

Food For Health Benefits
Some foods help the body's defense system strong and beneficial to prevent the disease.
Artike by Rudi

Eating all kinds of vitamins, essential to establish a healthy body. And it would be difficult if you do not know the specifics of each makanan.Dengan nutritional foods with vitamins and minerals vary is an efficient way to maintain health optimization. Some of these foods helps the body's defense system and strong and prevent acute and chronic diseases

Sweet Potatoes
Food was recorded as the most nutritious vegetable, contains antioxidants, beta carotene, iron, vitamin B6, and dietary fiber. Nutrients contained in sweet potatoes can prevent cancer and other diseases, such as the heart.

Contains lutein, zeaxanthin, and karotenoit, spinach help prevent damage from aging. Other nutrients, like calcium for bones and vitamin K for blood clotting speed.

These vegetables contain indole-3, and sulforaphane. These two nutrients seranga fortifies the body of breast cancer. A bowl of broccoli twice a day are advised to add vitamin C.

This fruit is rich in antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, and E, as well as flavonoids. Consuming blueberries can delay aging.

Sulfur containing compounds that help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and prevent some cancers such as colon cancer and stomach cancer, because antibakterialnya function. Garlic also contains important nutrients like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and vitamin C.

This fruit is vitamin C. jawaranya A medium tomato contains 23 milligrams of vitamin C. Tomatoes are also rich in lycopene is needed for prostate health.

Some kind of beans contains 8 grams of fiber for heart health and contains 90 percent of recommended daily food containing folic acid, only in one bowl. Lentils are also rich sources of protein and iron.

Raisins or dried grapes are rich in iron, which helps the blood carrying oxygen. Also contains other important nutrients like potassium, selenium, vitamin A, and rich in fiber. Raisins are also known to counteract the anemia and high blood takanan.

This type of fish and other sea species such as tuna and mackerel contain omega-3, which supports the heart and brain health. Omega-3 compounds help prevent heart disease and certain Alzhemer bleak.

Milk Scheme
Contains vitamin B2, or riboflavin, and vitamin A for good eye health. Skim milk is also rich in calcium and vitamin D for bones and teeth strong.

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